Collection: Tailored Wigs By Taylor J

Tailored Wigs units are custom machine-made wigs completely tailored to your specific head measurements with bundles and a closure/frontal. All wigs are made using 100% Virgin hair. THESE UNITS ARE MADE TO ORDER. (PREORDER). Wigs that were “Ready-To-Ship” once SOLD will be in this category so that the wigs can be REMADE! It is now considered a “Tailored Wigs” unit since we're making the wig to your specific head measurements.

All Tailored Wigs by Taylor J Units come with:

  • Bleached knots for a natural scalp effect
  • Machine construction for long-lasting units
  • Co-washed and deep conditioned
  • Natural hairline with a defining part of your choice.
  • Style of your choice
  • Adjustable elastic band
  • Baby hairs are 100% optional

*** Processing Time for Tailored Wigs (Custom) Units are 7-21 Business Days, Monday-Friday are business days. Once shipped, orders will be delivered in 1-3 business days ***